When winter rolls around, most of us put our bikes in storage to avoid the slick, icy roads and the freezing temperatures. Now that spring is here, it’s time to de-winterize your motorcycle and hit the road once again. Before you head out, there are some steps you should take to ensure you and your motorcycle stay safe.

At Blackmans Cycle Center we want all our patrons to have safe and fun rides, that’s why we’ve compiled these springtime bike riding tips for you. If you’re looking for motorcycles for sale in Emmaus, PA, contact our sales department for further assistance. We’re also here for the motorcycle parts, service and repair needs of all our clients. 

Take a Class

You might be surprised at how much you can learn when you take a motorcycle class. Even if you’re not a beginner rider, there are intermediate and advanced classes that can really improve your riding style, which your body and bike will be thankful for. Those of us who don’t have the best retention tend to forget some of the tips and tricks of bike rides, which make our first few rides after a break more unsafe than they need to be. A motorcycle class can work as a refresher course for you!

Gear Check 

You will have already de-winterized your motorcycle when you took it out of storage, so it should be good to go. Now’s the time to examine the rest of your gear and see if it needs to be repaired or replaced. Inspect your helmet to ensure it’s still good and free of any infestation. Some people prefer to change their helmets every 3 to 5 years. Also, check your riding boots and gloves and any other biker gear you own to ensure it’s all up to code and ready for your upcoming ride. 

Warm Up

The motorcycle class will work as a warm up for you, but your bike still needs to be warmed up after months of standing around in the cold. Sometimes machines develop snags when they’re left unused. Before you head out on your trip, take your bike out for a 5 or 10-minute drive and see if it’s working smoothly. If you notice any kinks or odd noises, it will be best to let a professional fix it rather than have it break down in the middle of the road. 

Be Visible

Over the winter, the number of bikers on the streets greatly reduced. That means other motorists have kind of forgotten about the existence of bikers and how to safely drive around them. There are also inattentive, distracted drivers to begin with. Wear bright clothes when you drive your motorcycle in springtime. Also, use reflective strips on your bike to ensure it’s more noticeable after dusk or in foggy conditions. You don’t want to start your biking year off with a crash!

Stay Alert

Spring is a time of change. That means some days it’ll be warm and some days will be cool. Some roads will be dry while others will still be a little slick and wet. All sorts of critters will be coming out to enjoy the welcome warmth spring brings. This means a motorcycle rider must always be alert about any sudden changes and be prepared to adapt to avoid mishaps. Yes, it’s your first time out after a long time away from your bike but that doesn’t mean you can just forget about the safety aspect. 

Don’t Overdo it

When you get back to the gym after a long hiatus, you don’t start by lifting your highest number of weights. Approach springtime bike riding with the same mindset. You need to get back to form before you can hit the top speeds and tackle the challenging roads. Reacquaint yourself with your motorcycle and terrain slowly and let other motorists also get used to bikers returning to the roads before you get to tearing up the asphalt. A little bit of preparedness and precaution can ensure a lot of awesome bike rides ahead!

We hope you’ll find these tips useful! For more information or to check out some awesome motorcycles for sale in Emmaus, PA, contact Blackmans Cycle Center and we’ll show you what we have in stock! We have a wide selection and our expert staff are always on hand to guide you through the selection process.